BIB Bag-In-Box Fill-By-Weight
Custom Filler for 50 lb fills of a meat slurry product into a proprietary bag.
The unique bag format with a center opening sleeve that is heat sealed after filling.
The bag has “wings” on each side of the fill tube sleeve for bag clamping.
Operating Sequence:
- The bag is suspended over the filling tube sleeve and is supported by 2 pneumatic bag clamps which are mounted on load cells for weighing the product.
- The product is pumped with a Sanitary Lobe Style pump with a programmable 2 stage fill cycle. Fast fill for the main bulk fill and slow fill for topping up to the specified target weight.
- A positive acting shut-off nozzle is mounted inside the filling tube sleeve to ensure a clean fill without soiling the sealing surfaces
of the bag.
- All product contact parts are Saniclamp mounted for ease of cleaning & sanitation.
- When the bag is full a box elevating platform with a section of roller conveyor will lift the box up to the filled bag and the bag clamps are released.
- The filled box is then lowered to the transfer roller conveyor and tilted to have the filled box roll off the elevating platform to the low level roller conveyor for transfer to the heat sealing station and secondary operations.